Thursday, July 24, 2008

Thing 21

This was a fun experience. I've used PhotoStory before with my class. It's a great tool to use. I plan to get an earlier start on it in the year so my students will be able to create their own projects and conduct their own independent study using this program. I chose to make my PhotoStory with Twilight the novel by Stephanie Meyer. My daughter and I have had lots of discussions about this book series in anticipation for the new book release.
Thanks to Keep on keeping on for having the directions on how to get the PhotoStory into the blog. Unfortunately, when I watched the video one picture has no talking on it. I did rerecord it, resave it, and reembed the video, but it still is a silent picture. Oh well. It's a cute cartoon that you can read for yourself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Really cool link.