Sunday, July 26, 2009

Thing 7

My Dell would not run the video on Fair Use, so I gave up on that computer and switched to my own home computer. If the tech guys are reading this blog, I'll be sending a geek request to do something about my Dell. And so, video resources. The sites were full of good videos and the online video world has really come a long way because I didn't have any trouble with buffering. I really wanted to find some videos to support my curriculum so I looked for some on space and on the rainforest. We cover space early in the year, and rainforests come up later in the spring semester. Both videos were really great and the quality is so much better than what I've previously used on United Streaming on the library resources page. Last year I had several students with dyslexia and attention problems. Videos like these would be great resources because they are interesting, the cover topics that we are learning in class, and they are multisensory. We create a foldable of the relationship between ourselves and the world at the very beginning of the year. Videos give me another resource for information instead of using just books with kids reading independently or in small groups. I found myself asking questions during the video, much like you would during reading. This could be a springboard to deeper learning where kids are reading and writing about topics that are most interesting for them.
I'm still a little fuzzy on the whole fair rights thing. I know my librarian will be up to date on this so I'll be visiting with her before school starts to clarify my misunderstandings.

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